Thursday, January 19, 2012

Date #1.

So, here I am.  Alive and well after date number 1.  I don't really know how to start an introduction to something like this, so I suppose I will just go for it! Oh and just for the record, I am not going to use names of the boys, just in case they actually log on and read this... (which I will talk about very soon)

I found out that I was supposed to meet him at the theatre at 7:10, so I did my best to show up on time, and when I arrived, he was standing in the lobby waiting for me.. (Ok, So I was that two minutes late , but I would deem that as  acceptable, because after all, you don't want to be the first one there) Also,I really had no idea what he looked like. I had only seen one picture on a website that I could base my findings off of.  So I went up to, who I hoped, was him and cheerfully said hello, and we made a bit of small talk. I asked him what movie we were going to see, which he then proceeded to tell me that he was told he had to take me to see The Devil Inside Me. Thank gosh I knew that that stupid* movie was not playing at the cheap seats, otherwise like I said before, I would have left right then and there. But, after I got out the truth, I was quite happy that we were going to see The Muppets!

So, we walk up to the counter, and he automatically says, 2 please, and then pays for my ticket! Phew... what a relief that was. I didn't want it to be that awkward, well um, err... one? two? Then you just say ONE, I will just get myself, to stop the awkwardness that is happening. So then we walk into our theatre, go into the small talk scenario for about 5 mins, and then the movie starts. We watch contently, commenting to each other ever now and then, but for the most part, we are just watching the movie. After the movie is over, we get up, start walking out of the theatre and talk a for maybe 2 more minutes, and then part ways. THAT IS IT.

I would say that it was a pretty painless first date, but honestly... it was kind of disappointing! After the movie I even made the effort of saying, "Well what are you up to now", to which I got the response of him being hungry and needing to go and study for a test. After I agreed, and said that I too had some homework to finish up, we parted ways, went to our cars and said, "well, see ya later". He didn't even ask for my number, or  set up another time to hang out or anything. So either he didn't enjoy how I watch movies so he never wants to see me again, he is shy about asking girls for their numbers, or he just didn't even think about how he would contact me after this date was over. No mater which option it is, they are all kind of depressing!

Now for the twist. An hour or so later, I get a notification that I have a friend request on FB. So I check to see who it is, and of course it is him. Now, first thing that went through my mind was, alright cool, that must mean I am not a terrible person to watch movies with. BUT THEN IT DAWNS ON ME. THE FLAW IN MY PLAN, THE UNSEEN, UNHEARD SILENT NINJA THAT WANTS TO PUT A DAMPER ON MY NYR. I have been posting all of these blog updates all over my facebook wall for the past week. If I accept his friend request, he will be able to see all that I have been posting, and HE WILL BE ABLE TO READ THIS POST! I didn't know what to do and started to call my friends asking for advice. And really, it isn't that big of a deal, but still, it would be pretty embarrassing if I logged onto someones facebook page and read about the date we had just had! Especially if we only talked for a total of 10 minutes! After coming up with some solutions, which include deleting all notions of the blog off my wall, and blocking the web link from him, I just hope that he doesn't stumble upon the link somewhere, and reads this, and thinks I am a terrible person.

Now  again, just for the record! I am not out to embarrass anyone, or make a fool of anyone, I am honestly just doing this for fun, and to prove a bit of a point. I hope that if he is reading this, he takes it with a light heart, and an humorous spirit!

So just for the record: My thoughts about Date #1.
I had a good time, but honestly we didn't really have an opportunity for anything to go wrong. Do I suggest ever just going to a movie with someone you don't know? No. Go to coffee, or dinner or ice cream before or after just so then you can get to know each other better. At least I didn't have any awkward hand holding situations or anything... but still. I don't really know anything about him, like at all. But, as they say in show biz, ON TO THE NEXT!


* By stupid I really mean super freaky.

Pre-Game Post.

All the great sports team and college kids all practice the same art of pre-gaming before the big game or event. Of course they are done in completely different ways, but nevertheless, it is still before the event. (Game film, beer its all for preparation of something right?)

This post, is my pre-date post.

Tomorrow is the big day. I, Laura J. Anderson, have a date tomorrow. I received the news today that the date had been set up, of course right away I was excited to hear it! I have been getting worried that I may not ever reach my NYR of 26 dates, if I can't even find a first one. Well, lady luck is on my side, and will hopefully stay on my side tomorrow night around 7:20... or 7:00. Truth be told, I can't remember what time I am supposed to meet him. Most movies usually start at like 7:20 I think, so maybe I will just go with that.  I know, this is not a good way to start, and I am always terrible at being on time anyway*, so this could be a bad first impression. I need to mentally prepare myself for what I am about to get into, the journey I am about to start, and the chances I am going to take.

I am going to be honest here people, I am NER-VOUS, like real nervous. Now, being the cool calm collected person I am, it may not seem at all like I am, but sheesh.. this is a bit ridiculous. I blame part of my nerves on a blind date HORROR story someone told me today in which he kept repeating, "Seriously, I am not making this up...". I will be the first to admit that I always am thinking of the worst possibly things that could go wrong. However, I know that this one will be pretty painless, and most likely just fine. .. or so I keep telling myself. Unless he tries to hold my hand... WHAT DO I DO IF HE TRIES TO HOLD MY HAND????

The Agenda:
Going to a movie at West Mall 7. I do not know which movie, all I told my friend was that if it was a scary movie, I will get up and leave. I don't do scary movies. Other than that, I am up for anything. My guess? The Muppets, well that is just my hope, I haven't seen it yet, and would love to go to it! But, I do have quite a distinct laugh that is quite loud in a theater setting, so maybe going to a funny one could be detrimental. If it is about an animal, I am destined to cry, and seriously that would just be awkward to cry on a first date. So I guess that leaves me with an action flick... I am ok with that.

So my pregame.. err... pre-date ritual will be to pick out my outfit, get a pep talk, eat supper, and listen to some ABBA or Jay-Z/Kanye on the way to the theatre. So if any of you have any tips, advice or suggestions on what to wear, how to act or anything else in general, PLEASE let me know. The suggestion box is below, and is waiting to be filled with knowledge.

Also, as for the results of this date.. well you will just have to click back in and read all about it tomorrow!


*Seriously, ask anyone. They will all say that same thing. I am late. I show up late to things. I am a terrible person because I can never be on time.. blah blah blah.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Years Resolution.

New Years Resolutions... They are kind of like bananas, everyone has them, but nobody keeps them.. IT'S CALLED BANANA BREAD PEOPLE, learn how to make it. But anyway, I was talking with a couple of my friends over beer, around the first of the year, expressing how I don't ever have NYR, because, well I don't want to fail.* But, we started discussing how maybe it would be fun if I chose the Top 10 NYR that everyone picks and make them mine, dominate them, and then brag about it. As great as this sounded, we came up with a better idea.

I shouted out the idea of going on 52 blind dates and blogging about them. Realizing how unrealistic this goal was, I decided to drop it down to 26. That is two dates a month, and I think** that that is do-able. Now, I, Laura A, have not been on a real date since my Sophomore year in High School. Yes, that long ago. So lets just say I am actually SUPER NERVOUS, but my excitement outweighs the butterflies, so BOOM. I don't see why people can't just date anymore. It seems like you either have to be single (AND LOVIN' IT***) or have that coveted Ring by Spring. (I go to a Private Baptist School, where I think there is an engagement everyday... seriously)

But, as I sit in Week 2 of January, I find myself still at square one, dateless and ashamed. I need to find a way to get blind dates without putting to much thought into them. So, if you know of anyone that I don't know, PLEASE, for the love of all that is good in the world, SET ME UP! I won't break their hearts****, I promise.


*Also, I am Catholic, I already have to do a "resolution" for during Lent. Let me tell you what, that is hard enough already, and it is only a couple weeks.
** I am starting to think that this might even be impossible.
*** gag.
**** I just won't call them back

My First Time.

Ok, here we go kiddos. My first post. Please hold on to your hats, and your patience. Just like any good business student know, while writing some sort of document, I need an Executive Summary. 

In this blog, I will be expressing my thoughts, feelings and passions. I can't pick one subject to talk about, because that is not how my mind works. There will of course be continuations of posts from time to time, but no matter what I post, it is guaranteed* to be enjoyable. As of right now, I have a minimal background/design, but looking towards the future, I see greatness. Overall, I hope you will be pleased with my blog, The View from My Stoop, and please give any suggestions you may have.


 (ok, not guaranteed, but I am hoping)